Latest church news

These are the latest updates from St. John's Church. The most recent updates are at the top of the page.

You can read the latest church notice sheets as well as other updates for those living in the Parish.

Letter from the clergy - Sunday 14 June 2020

In this week's letter to the Parish, Rev Sue McWhinney responds to the Government's latest guidance on allowing access to churches and explains why it may still be some weeks before St John's can open for private prayer.

Hints and tips for filming yourself for our services

James Webster shares some simple hints and tips in a short video to help you if you're filming yourself for our recorded services.

St John's plans ahead for changes in coronavirus restrictions

It seems likely it will be some months before we are able to return to what most of us would consider a 'normal' way of being in church, but we have plans for how we will go through that process together at St. John's.

Letter from the clergy - Sunday 7 June 2020

This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney

Church Notice Sheet - Sunday 7 June 2020

Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 7 June 2020

Survey: We want your views on our current services

For the past few weeks we have been providing Recorded Services and Dial-In Services and we want to know what you think of them. Please fill in our short survey.

Church Notice Sheet - Sunday 31 May 2020

Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 31 May 2020

Letter from the clergy - Sunday 31 May 2020

This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney

Church Notice Sheet - Sunday 24 May 2020

Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 24 May 2020

Letter from the clergy - Sunday 24 May 2020

This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney

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