These are the latest updates from St. John's Church. The most recent updates are at the top of the page.
You can read the latest church notice sheets as well as other updates for those living in the Parish.
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These are the latest updates from St. John's Church. The most recent updates are at the top of the page.
You can read the latest church notice sheets as well as other updates for those living in the Parish.
This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney
Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 3 May 2020
This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney
A new free daily phone line has been opened which offers daily hymns, reflections and prayers.
Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 26 April 2020
This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney
Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 19 April 2020
This week's letter to the Parish from Rev Sue McWhinney
While our church building is closed we are working really hard to find new ways of keeping our worship going and here are the details of the different ways you can access our services.
Read the latest church notice sheet for the week beginning Sunday 12 April 2020
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