A warm welcome...
It may feel daunting to visit a church for the first time, particularly if you are on your own rather than with a friend or family. Please be assured that you will get a warm welcome at St John's.
There are no rules about what you should wear, and there will be someone to greet you when you arrive and help you find somewhere to sit where you will be most comfortable.
Children are welcome too...
We usually have a children's group during our 10:30am Sunday service with content specifically for 5-11 year olds but younger children are also very welcome to join in with the group. Due to coronavirus restrictions we are unable to have a separate group at the moment, but your children are always most welcome to stay with you during the service. Read more about our safeguarding arrangements.
What to do at Communion services...
At Communion services you are welcome to receive a blessing from the vicar leading the service if you do not want to receive Communion itself. You won’t be the only one remaining in your seat if you choose not to do either.
Donations are not expected...
Visitors are not expected to make any kind of donation. A collection plate is at the back of church as you arrive for any donations, but please do not feel embarrassed to simply go past it without making a donation. Many other people will also do this because they choose to give to the church by standing order.
Please say hello afterwards...
If you are new to St John's, please say hello at the end of the service. It's always great to welcome a new face and you are most welcome to stay for a cup of tea or coffee after our 10:30am Sunday service. Also look out for our welcome card in the pews and at the back of church. This has more information about our services and groups. It also includes a tear-off section for you to leave us your contact details so we can stay in touch if you wish.
We look forward to welcoming you!