St John's preparing for return of church services

First published on: 13th July 2020


We are following the latest guidance from the Church of England, and are now putting into place all the measures that will be needed to start holding services in church.

Here is a summary how St John's is following the latest guidance:

  • Regular weekly services inside church are not yet taking place.
  • The church building is now open for private prayer twice a week.
  • Christenings, funerals and marriage services can now be held, with some restrictions.
  • When we do return to church for services, singing will not be allowed, communion can only be offered in one kind (bread), and physical distancing and hygiene measures will be in place.
  • We have been advised to ask all visitors for their contact details for NHS Test and Trace purposes.
  • We will continue to offer online services for the time being, even after services in church resume.

The life of our church goes on, in serving the community and offering a number of online and dial-in worship options. Please read on!

Worship while our church building is closed for services

We are continuing to share worship together in new and creative ways:

  • Every Sunday there is a new recorded service available to watch at home on our website and from the St John's YouTube page
  • Every Wednesday we have a Dial-in Communion service which people can go to by video call or telephone.
  • Our ABC Church service for adults, babies and children continues to meet by Zoom video call.
  • We have a weekly home group which is also meeting by Zoom video call.

Find out more

You can contact us if you would like to find out more, or to discuss the Christian faith or if you have any enquiries that we may be able to help you with.

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