Letter from the clergy - Sunday 26 April 2020

First published on: 25th April 2020

Dear Friends,

It’s only a few weeks since the realisation that we wouldn’t be able to continue meeting in church dawned on us, and when I consider what we have in place now, I think we’ve done really well at responding to the challenge. As you will see in the Notice sheet, we now have a number of regular events that will help us to keep connected with God, and with each other.

An exciting development is that we have now found a way to record Shirley preaching over the phone, so you’ll be able to hear her on Sunday 26th April in our online Communion service, preaching on the Emmaus Road story in Luke 24.

The two disciples on the Emmaus Road were trying to process the overwhelming events of Easter as they walked. They were reeling with loss: loss of Jesus’ physical presence, and his vision. What were they to do now? You can sense their despondency, and their failure to find meaning in the situation, as they related what had happened to the stranger who joined them on the road. It may be that the complexity of the situation, and their grief, prevented them from recognising Jesus until they shared a familiar practice with him. Fired with hope and clarity, they then rushed back to their colleagues with joy and energy. They were able to do this because hope had rushed back into their lives, facilitated by time to reflect as Jesus explained the scriptures to them, and the energy of the Holy Spirit. They sensed their hearts being stirred as they walked, but they could not quite articulate what it was until they recognised Jesus in the breaking of bread, and the truth was revealed. Then they moved from despair to hope!

You may find some resonance in this story with how you feel about the current situation, and its impact on your daily life, as well as your ability to worship God and to flourish in the Christian life. So, I wonder if now is the time to take a walk, physically, or imaginatively, to reflect on the last few weeks, and to ask:

  1. What has the coronavirus situation taken away from you? Grieve, acknowledge your loss.
  2. What has this situation NOT taken away from you? Be thankful for what you still have.
  3. What has the coronavirus situation given you today? The blessings that you have received, because of the slower pace of life, the kindness of neighbours and friends, the opportunity to pause and consider where your priorities are now, new perspectives that have been given to you.

I would also like to encourage you to keep a daily routine of reading the Bible, and prayer, perhaps using the outline I suggested on 29th March, including praying for each other at 12 noon each day.

Let’s see if we can find the creativity, and the courage, to look forwards, and to be a blessing to others in new ways, so that together we can work for a better future, for our community, our church, and for ourselves.

A prayer for this week:

Risen Lord Jesus, preserve us in our going out and in our coming in.
Open our eyes to see you in all things and in all people.
Travel with us as our companion and friend.
May your presence strengthen and protect us;
and in all that we experience, may we know your joy and peace.
We ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen. 

With grace and peace,
Sue McWhinney
07484 181699

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