Letter from the clergy - Sunday 19 April 2020

Dear Friends,

Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

Well I do hope that you’ve had a good week, and have been able to enjoy the sunshine, and have been able to get out a bit each day, even if it’s just into the garden. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are ill, or who because of their health have needed to stay at home at all times.

This coming Sunday we are focussing on St John’s account of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus, the times when he came and stood amongst his disciples as they were huddled together, in lockdown, imprisoned by their fear. In our current situation, when we are having to stay at home, and may be fearful, perhaps for our health, or finances, or for other members of our family, there seem to be many parallels for us in the reading for Sunday, John chapter 20 (v19-31). I notice that Jesus came in to the disciples’ situation, he met them where they were at, in the place of their fear and confusion, and greeted them with peace. He didn’t expect them to step out into the unknown future until they’d received from him, met him in person, seeing for themselves that he was genuinely alive, still bearing the wounds of his crucifixion, but definitely alive and present to them. He understood that the world had changed radically for them, and he allowed them space to come round to that, and to receive the Holy Spirit, before sending them out into the world to share the good news of new life in Christ.

Our reading from Acts chapter 2 (v14, and then v 22-32) jumps ahead to the events of Pentecost, when St Peter, the one who had denied Jesus, but whose relationship with him was restored in the lakeside encounter, how after being filled with the Spirit he preached the Gospel with power to a huge crowd, and 3000 people came to faith and were baptised!

So may these readings give us confidence, and encourage us, as we remember that the God we believe in is powerful, he brings new life out of death, and hope out of despair. I believe he wants to do that for us too. In the last few weeks St John’s people have rallied round, reaching out in love and practical care for one another, and have discovered new skills as we have looked for ways of enabling people to worship and to keep in touch as a Christian family. I’m excited by the launch this coming week of our dial-in Communion services on Wednesdays, and prayers on Fridays. Do give them a try! You will find information about how to access them and our recorded services in the ‘Watch at Home’ leaflet that James has kindly put together. I am so thankful for all his work on this, and in putting our recorded services on the website each week.

If you have internet, another thing you could do is to join in with some excellent reflections on the Lord’s Prayer designed for use in the 40 days after Easter.

A Prayer to say at home

You Lord are in this place, your presence fills it, your presence is peace.
You Lord are in my life, your presence fills it, your presence is peace.
You Lord are in the storm, your presence fills it, your presence is peace.

With grace and peace,

Sue McWhinney
07484 181699

First published on: 17th April 2020
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