Dear Friends,
Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
Well I do hope that you’ve had a good week, have been able to enjoy the sunshine, and have been able to get out a bit each day. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are ill, or who because of their health have needed to stay at home at all times.
As I have recorded morning worship each day this week, a simple Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday, filmed in my kitchen, a place of hospitality and sharing, meditations for Good Friday in the garden, as well as the Easter Day service, it has felt strange to be so distant from you all.
Accessing worship from home
Being unable to meet together in church is hard for us all but especially at Easter when we would prefer to be celebrating together. Looking ahead, we are trying to make sure we have different options for sharing worship at this time in ways that work for everyone in our congregation.
Members of the PCC will be getting in touch with you by phone in the next few days to chat about the different options that we have and to find out if you are already using them or whether we could be doing more to help you to access worship. Please have a look at the options we are already working on:
- If you can get onto the internet at home - have you been onto our website - We’re putting recorded services on the website for you to watch each week at a time convenient to you. It’s not the same as being in church but it can be nice to know that lots of us are sharing the same worship experience from the comfort of our own homes.
- Do you have a computer but you’re not sure how to find our website and how to watch videos online? If so, we would love to help you, so please tell us and we will do what we can to help. We know it’s not the way we would choose to ‘go to church’ but in these difficult times you may surprise yourself how much you like it as an alternative.
- If you don’t have a computer but you do have a phone, we are looking at having an agreed time when we can have worship on the phone. Imagine it like having a phone call but instead of with just one person, there are lots of people on the other end of the line. We can all listen to the worship together. Again - it’s not the way we might choose to worship normally - but might you like to give it a try as an alternative?
- Finally (and we hope not, because we are really trying to keep all of us at St John’s together right now) - you may, for whatever reason decide that going to church on your computer or your phone just isn’t for you. That’s fine too. If this is the case, would you find having some weekly prayers printed out and delivered to your door helpful to use instead?
We will be in touch with you soon to see what options you would prefer until the day that we all pray will come soon, when we can meet together in church.
With grace and peace,
Revd Sue and the PCC.
07484 181699