Letter from the clergy - Friday 4 December 2020

First published on: 4th December 2020

Dear All,

It is great to finally be here as the new vicar albeit not living in the vicarage just yet. We are all extremely excited to get to know you all and are looking forward to the years to come. This Sunday’s bible reading has the introduction of John the Baptist who is introduced to us as someone wearing camel hair and eating locusts. I have finally been installed as the new vicar and I think there are some similarities between me and John the Baptist. No, I am not wearing camel hair or eating locusts, but I feel called to the same kind of work as John.

Firstly, he has a message to proclaim, a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  We have the same message to proclaim. It may seem out of fashion now, but it is as relevant today as it has ever been. Through Jesus Christ we can offer that message of hope, a message of forgiveness, a message of real comfort and joy. As John was preaching and baptising, people came from all over to listen and respond. We can often think that people do not want to listen to our message but I believe that this is such a great message that people do want to hear and that people do want to respond to it.

Secondly, John is pointing people to Jesus. He is not in it for fame and fortune, he is not in it to make a name for himself. No, John is a humble servant pointing to the one who will come after him, the one whom he is not worthy of untying his shoe laces, the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit, the one who is the saviour of the world. We are to do the same thing through our words and deeds, to point people to the risen Lord Jesus. It is not about me or you, it is not in our strength but it is about Him and done in His strength.   

As we carry on through this season of advent, let us be challenged to look at what we may need to seek repentance for, be encouraged that we can be forgiven, and inspired to be people pointing others to the hope found in Jesus Christ.

God Bless


A Prayer for Advent

Lord of light and love,
shine your radiance upon us,
be our light in the darkness,
our hope at times of despair,
our joy when life feels dreary.
Come, bring healing, wholeness, and life into our lives this Advent.
We ask in the precious name of Jesus,

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