Date confirmed for restarting weekly services

First published on: 22nd July 2020

We are really pleased to say that weekly services inside St John’s will restart with a Parish Communion service every Sunday morning from 23rd August.

The last four months have been very strange and unsettling for all of us and we are all looking forward to meeting as a church again in person.

Our new Parish Communion will take place every Sunday at 9:30am and it will be great to welcome members of all our separate congregations to worship together. We expect the service, which will include some music, to be around 30-40 minutes.

The Church of England’s latest advice, based on the government’s coronavirus restrictions, means it is currently only possible for us to have one service a day. This reduces the risk of spreading infection.

After carefully considering different options the PCC decided to introduce this new 9:30am Parish Communion as a compromise between the times of our usual 8:30am and 10:30am services. We know it means everyone getting used to a new time for church but we hope it gives some people a more leisurely start to the day and others some extra time to enjoy after the service.

Over the next few weeks there are still lots of preparations we need to make to get ready to for our new weekly service. The most important thing is making sure our building is clean and safe for everyone inside it.

Our recorded online services will continue for the foreseeable future, even after regular worship in church begins. They will follow the same pattern of Morning Worship and Holy Communion as now, with hymns.

While it isn’t currently possible for us to safely reinstate our previous pattern of services, the PCC is still working towards when that can happen and will continue to review our Sunday services.

Until then, we want to extend a warm welcome to everyone at our new 9:30am Parish Communion.

If you would like to come, please arrive early to allow time for checking in, and for the Churchwardens to find you a suitably ‘physically distanced’ place to sit. Please also wear a face covering. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

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