Church closed until further notice

First published on: 9th January 2021

We are sorry to announce that St John's Church is now closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus. All our regular weekly services of worship will take place online only to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Earlier this week, following the Prime Minister's announcement of the latest lockdown restrictions, we had hoped to keep church open for weekly services. While those national rules DO allow churches to stay open, Leeds City Council has asked the Diocese of Leeds to consider closing churches locally to try to reduce the number of new cases of coronavirus and the Diocese has agreed.

  • Our weekly Parish Communion service will NOT now take place in church on Sunday.
  • There will be a service of Holy Communion to watch online in the Recorded Services section of the website as well as on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page.
  • At this stage we are not opening church for private prayer but we will be looking at whether this might be possible in future weeks.
  • We will issue an update next week detailing what this means for marriage and funeral services.

We know how important being able to attend church services is to everyone, especially when we are all living such restricted lives so this is not a decision which has been taken lightly but it is also important we do everything we can to safeguard the health of everyone who comes to church and those around us in our communities.

Our building may be closed, but as a church community we are all still here for each other and we will be looking in the coming days at all the things we can do to support everyone in the parish, including those who have less access to online worship.

If you need any extra help or support you can contact the churchwardens and Gareth any time.

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